Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Winter Prince by Cheryl Sawyer

This book was primarily a historical fiction, although the plot had some threads of romance. The story follows the life of Mary Richmond, whose marriage to the Duke of Richmond and closeness to the king give her a unique position to influence events. I enjoyed the rich description and attention to detail that Cheryl Sawyer gives her setting without in any way diminishing the storyline or characters.

The story follows war with King Charles and his parliament.  I found the book to be extremely heart wrenching and well-worth the read for the emotional tug between Mary and Rupert, a man with whom she is in love. She is already married in a time when divorce was rare.

I hate giving spoilers and will go out of my way to avoid it. To speak to the thing that bothered me about this book, I would have to give information about the ending. There was a scene between the characters that seemed out of character and out-right wrong to me, but to tell you why would be a huge spoiler.  So, I can’t tell you. Suffice it to say, I wasn’t crazy about the way the book ended. 

I love the way Cheryl writes. I am actively looking for more of her books, and while I did hope for a better resolution, the book was worth reading.

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