Thursday, February 14, 2013

Winter of Magic’s Return by Pamela F. Service

This is a post-apocalyptic tale written before they were in style (published in 1985).  The book is about a trio of children living at a school, one is an orphan and has become a ward of the schoo

Five hundred years after a nuclear holocaust, the world is cold and cloudy year round. Strange animals mutated from the years of nuclear winter roam the Earth. The school is safe, but Wellington, Heather, and Earl take flight from the school when a couple comes to the school to claim Earl.

The couple claim to be his relatives but he knows they aren’t. Nightmares plague him and he’s lost his memory, but he knows not to trust them. 

Expect a few surprises if you’re never read the story or heard the spoilers.  It is unique enough to make for a very good read. 

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